
Exclusion of any promise of a cure

What I do - What I do not do - What you can expect
Attention! First of all, to be very clear: I am a state-licensed alternative practitioner for psychotherapy according to the Heilpraktikergesetz.

As a coach and hypnotherapist I see myself as a mediator or communicator between the conscious and the unconscious minds of my clients. I help them to access their own inner resources and to mobilise them for their own conscious goals.

Through various methods, including physical and mental relaxation, imagery, creative visualisation, hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), "Emotional Freedom Techniques" (EFT), etc., which I have learned in extensive training and over many decades of experience, I help my clients gain insights, realisations, and self-directed behavioural changes that they want to bring about in their lives.

The topics of change are determined by the client. This can range from quitting smoking, for example, to changing diet, refraining from certain behavioural patterns, or starting new ones.

A healing promise and/or a promise of success is not given.

The coaching and hypnotherapy I offer are not to be considered a substitute for normal medical care and in no case does it replace the diagnosis and treatment by a doctor.

Before we work together, I recommend you consult your doctor to identify any medical reasons why you should not undergo treatment with me.
Since public health insurance companies do not cover hypnotherapy, you will be billed for your treatment privately and payment of the agreed fee is due before the first appointment unless otherwise agreed.

The "guarantee" mentioned on some pages of this website is explicitly understood to be a guarantee of a follow-up consultation or session within a specified time frame after the treatment/consultation.

None of the offers/offered guarantees represent in any case a promise of healing or success, but are to be understood exclusively as satisfaction guarantees, which, in case of dissatisfaction, can lead to a renewed free consultation/session (in person, by phone, or online).

Furthermore, if you are undergoing other psychiatric or psychological treatment, please inform me about this beforehand. No cooperation with me is possible without the consent of the treating psychologist or psychiatrist.

In addition, I would like to mention that I naturally maintain a duty of confidentiality and treat all data, sessions, and consultations confidentially.

If you are interested in working with me, please contact me using the contact form, email address, or phone number provided in the imprint.

I look forward to meeting you soon.
Alptekin Koc Heilversprechen

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