
Hypnosis for chronic stress

Are you struggling to switch off?

Is it impossible for you to sleep at night because you have hundreds of thoughts, worries, fears, and to-dos circling around your mind?

If this sounds familiar, we can help.

In certain situations, stress can be a good thing. It keeps us going and gives us drive. There is even healthy stress that strengthens us mentally and physically (eustress).

But when stress becomes a permanent condition, it can be problematic. From a purely neurological point of view, you are in a permanent state of fear, in which the body remains in fight-or-flight mode. This persistent nagging stress makes rest and creative thoughts almost impossible, as you always perceive your environment to be dangerous even when there are no obvious threats or triggers.

Luckily, hypnosis is an effective treatment for curing chronic stress. It works by eliminating the internal causes and performing what can be described as a ‘neurological reset’.

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What kind of stress can hypnosis help with?

Alptekin Koc
As a general rule, stress can never be 100% avoided. A job interview, an important exam, or a robbery will trigger stress whether you’ve had hypnosis or not - and that's a good thing!

After all, stress is a natural survival mechanism that keeps you alert and directs your energies in the right direction.

What must be avoided, however, is excessive and permanently present anxiety that puts the body into stress mode unnecessarily. The kind of stress that prevents you from relaxing or falling asleep at night; stress which hangs like a shadow over all the beautiful moments of life.

This is exactly where hypnotherapy comes in: to cure chronic stress disorders.

What is the difference between classical stress management methods and hypnosis?

There are a variety of common stress management methods that people always recommend to sufferers of chronic stress such as time management, meditation, relaxation, better nutrition, sports, etc. While all these methods definitely have their raison d'être, they are all external protective factors – none of them address the psychological root of the problem.

How is better time management supposed to help you if you are still plagued by inner anxiety in your daily life?

How can relaxation and sports help if you can't even switch off during them and your head is somewhere else entirely?

The math doesn't add up at this point, and it's compounded by the fact that all of these activities have to be done actively and consciously.

Comparatively, hypnosis for stress management starts much deeper. The goal of the treatment is that you become calmer from within. The strongest stress triggers are removed and your inner mindset naturally changes to become restful and calm, rather than chaotic.

This does not require active stress management techniques or a change in your daily routine. It simply becomes an instinctive part of how you approach life – calmly and stress-free.

Symptoms of chronic stress

Chronic stress has several troublesome consequences that affect the overall quality of life. 

All the side effects of chronic stress result from the continuous production of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which send various signals to the brain and other internal organs.

First and foremost, chronic stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, which primarily supplies blood to the muscles and shuts down functions such as digestion, sleep, sex, and creative cognition. 

Are any of these symptoms something you suffer with?
Permanent exhaustion
Because the body is constantly on high alert, it feels permanently exhausted. It is constantly focusing its energy on protecting itself and is always active. The mixture of restlessness and exhaustion is particularly precarious because neither active recreational activities nor restful activities can be enjoyed.
When you’re in a state of alarm, your blood pressure rises and the muscle vessels dilate. The heart will begin to speed up to pump blood to the most distant vessels. As the heart palpitations become longer and more intense, sufferers become increasingly at risk of heart attacks, the fear of which only adds to the chronic stress.
Nervousness and irritability
Because the body is hypersensitive and acts in danger defence mode, you perceive every environment as a threat. This can make you more irritable and aggressive towards those around you as you are constantly tense, nervous, and fearing that something bad might happen. And, even if you aren’t particularly irritable, it can still be difficult to fully engage in situations that should otherwise be enjoyable or exciting.
Loss of appetite and sexual aversion
When the body does not feel safe, it logically puts the function of digestion and reproduction on the back burner. After all, it needs its energies in other areas, namely in the muscles and limbs, to defend itself. That’s why sufferers of chronic stress often find they are rarely hungry and experience a diminished sexual appetite.
One common side effect of chronic stress is that no matter how beautiful the situation is that you’re in, inside you never fully appreciate or enjoy what you’re doing because there are always underlying fears, worries, and general inner discomforts that take over.
Muscle tension
The body literally tenses during periods of chronic stress as a protective mechanism. Since the muscles are almost constantly contracted, this can develop into unpleasant tension and muscle pain, typically experienced in the neck and shoulder area.
Sleep disorders
Often, sufferers of chronic stress find it almost impossible to get to sleep, as the body won’t allow it. This quickly escalates into a vicious cycle, because a sleepless night only makes the body more sensitive to stress.

Causes of stress

There can be multiple causes of chronic stress. Typically when we talk about an anxiety disorder or a chronic stress occurrence, it is caused by an excessive demand in one or more areas of life.

Some common triggers include:
Overload at work
Difficult family situation
Health problems
Packed schedule
Performance pressure
Lack of exercise and fresh air
Audiovisual overstimulation (smartphone, laptop, music, media, etc.)
It is well known that all the things mentioned above cause stress. But how does it become a chronic pattern?
The answer is quite simple: the longer an individual is under stress, the more likely they are to become accustomed to this state and build up more and more triggers in their everyday environment.

It is these trigger points combined with habitual thought and body structures that cause stress to become persistent and ‘chronic’. A "stress body posture", "stress diet pattern", or "stress world view" are commonly seen in individuals with chronic stress.

Effectively, your body has been trained to create a perfect cocktail of thoughts, hormones, posture, etc, that allow you to work at your best when you’re in a state of stress or panic.

This cocktail has now become your speciality and it is increasingly difficult to create a new recipe for rest and relaxation.

Treat chronic stress with hypnosis

When it comes to hypnosis for chronic stress, we aim to clear the nervous system of all the ‘ingredients’ that are combining to create this ‘stress cocktail’.

Essentially, all the receptors that are responsible for chronic stress are removed from the consciousness.

To achieve this, hypnosis induces a trance state in which your subconscious opens up and I, the hypnotist, gain access to make the desired changes at the deeper level of your (sub)consciousness.

Hypnosis against stress not only gets rid of the triggers responsible for your persistent stress but also helps you to create your very own stress buffer zone, meaning:
You’ll be strengthened from the inside-out
You won’t be triggered by things that were previously big stressors
You’ll be more aware of your stress patterns and therefore well equipped to handle stressful situations in the future
You’ll have the ability to resolve future stress patterns that arise post-hypnosis
You’ll develop a sense of resilience and be able to easily regulate your stress
Plus, a hypnosis session places you in a state of pure relaxation and leaves you with a feeling of inner liberation, freeing you of that stressed feeling almost instantly.

How does it work?
In my practice, I always use a simple 3-step plan.

Detailed initial consultation
Hypnose Schritt 3
In this consultation, we’ll work together to identify the main stressors and discover the mechanisms in your inner consciousness that make relaxation impossible.
Hypnosis session
Hypnose Schritt 2
Once I understand what is causing your stress, you can sit back and relax while I do the work. I will speak to you and guide you into a relaxing trance so I can make the desired changes in your (sub)consciousness.

Don’t worry, you always retain full control and awareness over yourself and the situation and you can stop the hypnosis at any time if you do not wish to proceed.
Hypnose Schritt 1
After your session, we will discuss your experience. We will have an honest and open discussion and I will answer any questions you may have. 

If necessary, we will determine a detailed action plan for the future management of your chronic stress. 

Since stress is particularly dependent on everyday life and it takes time for all triggers in the outside world to be rendered harmless, hypnotherapy for chronic stress includes a series of sessions for two-three months to help overcome all your everyday challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis for Chronic Stress

Will I be stress-free forever after hypnotherapy?

Stressors lurk everywhere in everyday life and it is tremendously important that your body remains able to feel stress. In certain dangerous situations, stress serves as a survival mechanism, energy reserve, and a sign of overload. However, this sense of stress should only be triggered in extreme situations.
What hypnosis can cure is chronic stress. Stress which plagues you permanently, often without reason. You will notice that following hypnosis you will be able to relax more and will have fewer stress symptoms such as palpitations, nervousness, or irritability.

Are there types of stress that hypnosis can’t cure?

Definitely, yes. When stress is triggered by a dangerous or extreme situation, you will still experience feelings of stress. However, this is perfectly normal and important. 

Chronic stress, on the other hand, can be completely eliminated with hypnosis.

How many sessions do I need to stop my chronic stress patterns?

Although you will begin to notice effective changes after your first session, we find multiple sessions over 2-3 months work best to ensure changes last permanently and you can continue to eradicate and fight chronic stress triggers in the future.

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